*Taking Back Control*

*Taking Back Control*

When you allow people to upset you. 😤

You give them control.😶😒

So that makes you out of control.😵 😲 😫

Pray. 🙏📖

Don’t give that much control to anyone but God. 🙌 Hallelujah!!

God will give you peace.😇

Jesus is the Reason.✝✝✝

*Debauchery lifestyle*

*Debauchery lifestyle*

Is something we need to change when we give our life to God. We can also expect to lose some friends and family members when we don’t participate in this type of fellowship. God want us to live by the Spirit and that is in conflict with our fleshly desires. God wants us to be free. He wants our friends and loved ones to be free. We have to be strong and stand for the righteousness of God. Let’s stop being slaves to this world and it’s sinful desires and be pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.

The acts of a sinful nature you can find that in Galatians 5:19. The acts of God nature is Galatians 5:22.

 loves you.
Repent and get it right with him.

Jesus is the reason 😀

*Free And Filling Good*

57 Growing Old Gracefully

The Summer has past an the Fall is upon me (Age 57). To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Life is good for me right now and I like to keep it that way. I’m not hurting anymore about the past but, I never will forget about the past hurts and pain of childhood growing up. It is part of my testimony that I am a survivor and God has brought me through. I am so determined to die a Happy Sweet Old Lady that loves people and love God. I will not be on my deathbed dying angry, bitter and with unforgiveness in my heart towards anyone that has offended me. Philippians 3:14 . I’m pressing toward the goal to win the prize for which God has call me heavenward in Christ Jesus. “I’m​ Moving forward.” I don’t want to be taking my last breath to say that I forgive anyone who have hurt me because in most cases the person have died already or forgot what they did and have already moved on, So where would that leave me “stuck in a unhappy life having agreed with lies”. NO! The devil is a liar. I am so done agreeing with people just to get along with. I will speak the truth in love and nothing but the truth to set myself free from all the lies of the past. Don’t get me wrong I have forgiven and I am forgiving I just don’t have to agree with lies anymore. Yes at my age now I’m getting a little selfish, But! I’m okay with that. If I don’t stand for the truth I’m going to fall for the lie I will not be taking part of it any longer. I’m Free and it feels good. I want my children and grandchildren to be happy and to live their life to the fullest and to live a lifestyle that is pleasing to God. After all his is the one in the end that We all have to answer to.
God is Good🙌 Hallelujah!
Life is Good 😀
Thank you Jesus.

*More than a Hookup*

*More than a Hookup*

God is looking for more then a hook-up, more than a non-relationship or emotionless once-a week stand up with you.

 He Loves you, and If you want an intimate relationship with him, that means you have to spend time Studying his words, Worship and Pray.
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
John 14:17 the spirit of Truth the world can’t accept him because it’s neither sees him nor knows him. BUT you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as an orphans.

Hookups fades away.

is the way!